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Scaling with SEO


Ramp, a fintech unicorn solving expense management for small to mid-sized businesses, had a successful content program.

They wanted to extend their SEO reach and build a moat in search results.

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The Challenge


  • Ramp had high-quality bottom funnel content and was expanding its SEO program.

  • But finding reliable content writers who understood SEO and finance was challenging.

  • Low-quality content could damage Ramp's brand and spotlight it for the wrong reasons.


The Solution


  • Create authoritative articles fine-tuned for SEO to boost Ramp's visibility online.

  • Interlink between Ramp's considerable asset library to direct traffic toward conversion-oriented assets.

  • Produce this content at scale to help Ramp quickly establish a moat in search results.


The Results


  • 70% of traffic to Ramp's website was driven through top funnel SEO articles created.

  • Ramp's team had a reliable partner who could deliver high quality pieces with a quick turnaround.

  • Minimal edits or on-page SEO fine tuning thanks to content expertise.

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